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Translation Watch Quarterly is Out.

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Volume 2, Issue 1, 2006

This special issue looks at translation in the news.


The Translation of the News
Dorothy Kelly

In this editorial, Dr Dorothy Kelly, Senior Lecturer in Translation at the University of Granada and author of A Handbook for Translator Trainers, highlights the critical importance of translation in the news today.

A Rhetorical Paradigm Shift in Media Arabic:
From Preaching to the Converted to Devil’s Advocacy
Basil Hatim

In this paper, world-renowned translation scholar Professor Basil Hatim assesses a recent paradigm shift in the rhetoric of modern Arab media and examines how this ‘rhetorical-textual’ transformation is facilitated by the emergence of new ‘genre’ conventions and new ‘discourse’ attitudes.

Standards of Reporting Translated Scripts in News Media
Ali Abusalem

In this paper, Doctoral Research Fellow Ali Abusalem examines the standards of reporting translated scripts, and highlights the significance of transcript translations especially when it is dealing with events of international interest.

Is Translation Halal? Are Translators Traitors?
A Study of the Narratives of Iraqi Interpreters and Translators

Kadhim Ali

In this paper, Dr Kadhim Ali examines the ontological narratives of Iraqi interpreters and translators, the public narratives provided by the different segments of the Iraqi society and the conceptual narratives provided by the multinational forces to help form a picture of the status quo of Iraqi interpreters.

Translating the News: Reframing Constructed Realities
Ali Darwish

With cable and satellite television networks spreading rapidly and competitively across the globe, news and current affairs television is increasingly becoming a primary source of information for viewers worldwide for both domestic and international stories. While critically relying on translations of news from international providers, these networks are contributing to the reframing of news events and creating information and cultural misfits, often unintended by the original sources and sometimes unwelcome by the intended viewers. This paper examines the impact of translation on news making and argues that by submitting news to translation it undergoes a reframing process entailing a reconstruction of a constructed reality already subjected to professional, institutional and contextual influences.

Book Review
The Making of Arab News
One recent publication that stands out from the crowd is the present book: The Making of Arab News, by Noha Mellor. Written by an Arab living in the West, this scholarly book brings a fresh insight into the intricate nature of the Arab media...  


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