Copyright © 1994 Ali Darwish. All Rights Reserved.

The Influence of Briefing on Three-cornered Interpreting Situation Tests

Ali Darwish


Informal observation of interpreting tests suggests that briefing can sometimes influence the candidate's performance in a three-cornered interpreting situation. Such influence has not been formally studied. The extent to which interpreting briefing can negatively affect the progress and outcome of the interpreting situation is still unresearched.

Interpreter briefing may affect the performance and outcome of a three-cornered interpreting situation (3CIS) as follows:

  1. It defines the cognitive framework within which the interpreter operates

  2. It supplements information the interpreter already possesses

  3. It invokes information about the topic of the interpreting situation

  4. It gives the interpreter a frame of reference

In terms of production, interpreting briefing is manifested as:

  1. Interpolations
  2. Additions
  3. Substitutions
  4. Generalizations
  5. Bias (usually towards the person in authority)

This paper examines the three-cornered interpreting situation (3CIS) tests of 70 candidates and the impact of briefing on 3CIS in general.

Copyright © 1994 — 2000 by Ali Darwish.
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